Beat Muscle Soreness


Happy Thursday! We are only 1 day away from the weekend! I don’t know about you, but I am ready! This week I have made it a goal to get up at 4:30am and get my work out done and some writing in. I have been successful so far and I am really starting to feel it. I have amped up my workouts this week and I am sore. While I am happy to say I did make deadlifts my bitch this week  ,I am feeling the repercussions of it today. As always my pain is your gain  Here are my top remedies for muscle soreness.

Epson Salt Bath– Epson salt is not actually salt like you might think. It is actually magnesium. Magnesium works to relax muscles and calms the nervous system. This combined with warm water makes it an unstoppable remedy for muscle soreness. You can use Epson salt alone but I like to add a few essential oils and baking soda to it and increase the benefits. Here is my favorite muscle soreness bath recipe;

2 Cups of Epson Salt
½ Cup of Baking Soda (Helps soften the skin)
5 Drops of Lavendar Essential Oil
2 Drops of Peppermint Essential Oil
In a metal or class bowl mix all of the ingredients together until they are well incorporated. Pour into your bath and let dissolve. Soak in the bath for 20-30 minutes

Arnica– Arnica is a remedy that I keep in my home in two different forms. I have a topical form and an oral homeopathic form. Arnica is a flower that is known to help heal wounds, bruises, irritation, and inflammation, sprains, as well as muscle soreness. If you are suffering from muscle soreness you can buy the homeopathic form of this and take it orally or you can buy an Arnica cream and rub it into your sore muscles. You can find Arnica at most nutrition shops or places like whole foods and co-op’s. You can also buy it online see the link that I have posted.

Arnica Cream-

Arnica Pills-

Massage– Who doesn’t love a massage? Muscle soreness is the perfect excuse to get one. Massage works to relief muscle soreness and stress by relaxing muscles and flushing toxins and lactic acid from them. When choosing your massage I do not recommend getting deep tissue massages, this will only make you feel worse when you are recovering. Save the deep tissue massage for another day. I recommend getting a Swedish massage or Hot Stone massage. Both of these massage modalities work great for relieving muscle soreness and flushing lactic acid and toxins out of the body. I especially like hot stone massage because the heat feels amazing when you have sore muscles. You can also ask your massage therapist to use some lavender essential oil or a muscle soreness blend if they have it, and this will increase the benefits of the massage.

Foam Rolling– I used to hate the idea of foam rolling. As a massage therapist I used to think “how can this piece of foam do me any good?” That was until I finally broke down and tried one. Now I love my foam roller and use it all of the time. It was the best $20 I have ever spent! It is a great way to do self-massage and help relief muscle soreness and tension. If you are new to foam rolling, I recommend starting out with a white foam roller, they are softer and ideal for beginners. If you move up to a blue or black one they tend me a bit harder and will be a lot more intense. You can find foam rollers on amazon for a really reasonable price. Check out the link I posted. Once you get your foam roller, go on youtube and there are tons of videos that will show you how to use it.
Foam Roller-

There you have it, my top remedies for muscle soreness. I hope they give you some relief.
This blog is for recreational use only and is not to be considered medical advice. If you need medical advice contact your physician.

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