Rollin With the Punches Today


Happy Thursday! This week has been a bit of a blur for me. My 3 year old Lucia has decided that sleep is optional this week. She has been going to bed late, getting up in the middle of the nigh, and getting back up early. As my husband put it this morning, it’s like we are taking night time naps (lol). Today she decided she needed to get up at 4:30 am to work out with me. What is a mom to do? As much as I needed a little alone time, I just rolled with it. Lucia is my middle child so she requires or rather demands (lol) a lot of attention. I decided to just let her workout with me. She looks so cute working out with her little weight, I really couldn’t resist.

One of the biggest lessons I am learning as a parent, is to be flexible. My kids don’t care one bit about my routine or need for alone time. They are kids and all they know is that they need and want my attention, and this is ok. I am such a hyper focused person, I can become really ridged sometimes, so they are exactly what I need to keep me balanced. I honestly believe that is why I have so many kids. I need them to keep me grounded. So my lesson today is roll with the punches. Have a great day!

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