Late Night Sweet Treats

I don’t know about everyone else but sweets are my weakness. It seems like I am always craving something sweet around 8 or 9pm. It’s like my body is working against me to try and keep its self-fat. Luckily I am smarter and I have out witted my body. It’s called portion control. Who knew it actually worked! Lol…
I have found that if I don’t give into my craving a little, I tend to just fall of the wagon and go crazy. So for me the key is in portion control and allowing myself just a little taste. One of my favorite snacks is Sahale nut blends. I love these things! My favorite one is the pecan-cashew nut crisp.(yummy) The only problem with this stuff is, that it is literally like crack. I can sit down and eat the whole bag and that is not so good at 100 cal per serving. So what I do now is, I go to Costco and buy a big bag of it (because it’s a way better deal) then I come home and I portion it out into small bags. 1 portion of this stuff is ¼ of a cup and it’s 100 calories. This way I know exactly how much I am having and I am also aware of the actually calories I am consuming. It also makes me think twice about going and getting another bag. I also keep them in the freezer because it makes the fruit and nuts a little harder and I tend to eat it slower.
I like doing this blend of food particularly because it is a protein, fat, and carbohydrate all in one. This means that I am less likely to have the crash in my blood sugar that I might get if I just had a sugary snack and I am getting added benefit of healthy fat and protein. It makes me feel less…If I am craving Ice cream I take a banana freeze it for 1 hour blend it up and it has the consistency of ice cream and I can throw a few of these bad boys on top for a topping. So that is how I deal with my late night sweet treat cravings.



The Dreaded Carb Cravings :(

I don’t know about you but I find carb cravings to be a BITCH! Because I personally know how hard it can be to go off of carbs like bread, pasta, and refined sugar I wanted to share this link with everyone from Ben Greenfield. Ben has a great podcast about fitness and nutrition. He is my Opera Winfrey lol..:) no for real I would meet him over Opera any day.

A lot of people, myself included, are very sensitive to carbohydrates especially sugar and bread. It can be extremely difficult to go off of these foods because of the chemicals that they release in our brain. These chemicals make them addictive for many people. Ben created a list of supplements that can help curb these carb cravings and get your through the rough days until they are out of your system. I hope it helps 🙂 J