Everything Pregnancy

Is a doula and a midwife the same thing?

How in the world did you have a natural childbirth?

I am 6 months pregnant and I have a high stress job, will this really affect my baby?

I am having trouble sleeping at night, can I drink chamomile tea?

I get emails and text messages from clients and friends on a monthly basis like this. I realize that not everyone is as lucky as I am to have access to this information. I first got introduced to holistic medicine during my pregnancy with my son Noah, 12 years ago. I was lucky enough to be introduced to an amazing woman, who was not only a doula, but also a massage therapist and an acupuncturist. She helped get me on the path to doula training, massage school, and my degree in Alternative Medicine. Since I started this journey I have learned so many things about the importance of a healthy pregnancy. Even if you don’t realize it everything that you do during your pregnancy and I do mean everything , effects your child for  years to come.I have several areas that I am extremely passionate about and one of them is pregnancy and postpartum. I have spent the past 12 years taking classes, reading books, and researching the effects pregnancy has on infants the years following infancy. Over the past few years I have been studying the energetic and emotional effects your pregnancy can have on your child. Over the next few weeks, I am going to be posting a series of blogs associated with pregnancy. If you have questions about herbs, doulas, natural births, emotional issues associated with pregnancy, nutrition, aromatherapy, or anything I might have missed, feel free to shoot me a message.



