Dry and Itchy Scalp Treatment


Nothing drives me crazier then a dry and itchy scalp! My first winter in California was the worst. Moving from North Carolina with 100% humidity to California with 0 % humidity did a real number on my scalp and skin.  Here is a remedy that I use and have great results with for my dry scalp. Are you ready for it? You won’t believe how simple it is. I use a solution of water and vinegar.  What is great about this recipe is that it works on dry or oily scalps. The reason it works on both is because it balanced the PH levels of your scalp and this is what causes a dry or oily scalp. I know most people won’t want to use this remedy because they are afraid it will make their hair smell like vinegar, but trust me the smell washes out. There are a few other benefits to using this remedy ;

  • Antibacterial and it will heal any open sores you may have from scratching
  • Removes any product buildup you have on your scalp
  • Makes your hair soft and shiny 

Here is the recipe


Apple Cider or Regular Vinegar

2 oz Bottle


  1. In a 2 oz bottle mix ½ oz of vinegar and 1 ½ oz of water.
  2. Shake mixture up well
  3. Wash hair
  4. Before applying conditioner apply vinegar solution to your whole scalp. Be careful not to get any of the solution in your eyes because it will burn.
  5. Apply conditioner and let sit for 10 minutes.
  6. Rinse out with cool water


That’s it! It is so simple. I use this mixture every time I wash my hair but play around with it and see what works for you. Let me know how you like it.