Sunday Prep Day

Sunday is prep day in the Cotton household. You would think working from home would provide me with tons of free time but sadly this is not the case. With everything that we have going on, prep days are vital for our family. We normally try and get a lot of our shopping done on Saturday, at the farmers market and Costco, and prep on Sunday. In our family, the farmers market and Costco is entertainment, in fact all of my kids ask to go to the farmers market every week. I know it sounds crazy, but I county my lucky stars for this blessing lol. My son Noah is an aspiring chef so he really gets into meal prep. This week dad is teaching him how to grill chicken under a brick, and is teaching him all about how to butcher a whole chicken. It was seriously one of the cutest things I have ever seen. It makes my heart so happy to see my son learning about food and having an understanding not just how to cook it, but also where it comes from. I think this really helps him to have more appreciation for food and the process food has to go through. I took this picture of my hubby giving a lesson on butchering the chicken.


Since I work as a private chef, meal prep is vital for my business. I have multiple clients who have various dietary restrictions so it can get a little tricky finding ways to cook for multiple people, including my family, efficiently. Whenever possible I try and cook/create meals that can be used in some way, shape or form, for all of my clients. I really love summer, because it gives me the opportunity to grill several different proteins and create a variety of meals. I have found that pre-cooking meat is a great way to save time during the week. This week we will be eating the following meals and they are all gluten free 🙂

Shepherds Pie

Ground beef tacos-

Chicken under a brick with roasted veggies

Korean beef with garlic rice or quinoa

Chicken Cacciatori with gluten free pasta or rice

Having all of this ready for the week makes life so much easier, and I can spend my rest of my week focussing on homeschooling the kids and my own school work.

Happy Sunday!



Farmers Market


We had a great family day on Sunday.  We went to the farmers market and got our last minute items for Thanksgiving.  I love being able to shop with my kids at the farmers market. My son Noah really gets into it and it makes me feel like im doing something right with him :).


Lucia and Dad getting our grass fed beef.


Noah picking out his kiwi


I know that the glare is terrible but this is the Fam 🙂