Holistic Tips for Cold and Flue Season

You can find more info on my website at http://www.primalcotton.com

Disclaimer- All information is for education and entrainment purposes and should not replace the advice of your doctor.

Wisdom Wednesday


I have had a few set backs this past week, being sick and now I am flooded with school work that I have no desire to do and has put be behind on work. I could let this get me down and wallow in self-pity but instead I am choosing to let this motivated me. I am grateful I have the opportunity to do all of the things I do and get to work towards accomplishing my goals. I try to remind myself that just because things aren’t going my way doesn’t mean they aren’t going my way, they just aren’t happening in my time frame. Each set back makes me a stronger better person.

Happy Wednesday! I hope everyone goes and crushes there goals 🙂


P.s Don’t forget my blog is moving over to my website at http://www.primalcotton.com/blog/. You can find all of the same connect on my page now.

New Products

I am excited to finally have my retail store up and running.
This has been a long time coming and it’s exciting to have everything up and going.

You can now purchase the following retail items and any of my services on my website.

Primal Momma Brew

Muscle Rescue Bath Tea

White Chocolate Body Butter

You can purchase my products here http://www.primalcotton.com/new-products/


9 Months 9 Tips


9 Months 9 Tips

Pregnancy is a time of joy, excitement,and new beginnings. While it can be one of the most memorable times in your life, it can also offer new challenges. I don’t think anyone could have prepared me for some of the things I was going to experience during my pregnancies. Thankfully I have learned a thing or two over the past three babies and I have lots of tips to share with you. These are the nine tips I wish someone would have shared with me.

Tip #1 Morning Sickness
Let’s be honest, this is really all day sickness. For a good majority of women pregnancy is marked with some level of nausea known as morning sickness. While there is little that can be done to get rid of the nausea completely, there are a few useful remedies that really do help.

Ginger- In one double blind study ginger was shown to be effective in relieving nausea and vomiting (Vutyavanich, 2014). My favorite way to take ginger is to make tea. You can either buy a tea or get it fresh at the grocery store and make the tea yourself.

Peppermint Tea- If you are not a fan of ginger, peppermint tea has also been proven to be effective in helping to relieve nausea.

One prescription drug to be wary of is Zofran.This anti-nausea drug is prescribed off-label for morning sickness, and some studies show Zofran side effects include an increased risk for birth defects.”

Tip #2 Stress
I wish someone would have told me how stressful pregnancy was going to be. Don’t get me wrong, I loved being pregnant, but it does bring a whole new world of stress with it. During the course of all three of my pregnancies I have founds some great ways to help deal with stress.

Relaxing Bath- There is nothing more relaxing than a nice relaxing bath. You can even drop a few drops of lavender essential oil to add in deeper relaxation.

Chamomile Tea-Chamomile tea is useful in relieving stress and helping to promote sleep. I often make a cup of chamomile if I need to de-stress.

Deep Breathing- A few nice deep breaths always helps me to de-stress.

Tip # 3 Massage
People often laugh at me when I tell this story, but, when I was pregnant with my son I was having a lot of sciatic and back pain and got a prenatal massage. This massage changed my life. It felt so amazing I decided to go to massage school so I could offer other pregnant moms the same relief I experienced that day. I believe that every woman owes it to herself to get at least one prenatal massage while she is pregnant. This is a great way to destress, heal sore muscles, increase circulation, and connect with your baby.

Tip #4 Yoga
Prenatal yoga is a great way to keep your body moving and to stretch all those sore muscles in your body. If you don’t want to go take a class you can always pick up a video off amazon.

Tip #5 Swollen Feet
Every pregnant woman’s nightmare! I haven’t met a pregnant client yet who hasn’t suffered from swollen feet at least a little bit during their pregnancy. While you probably won’t be able to get rid of them completely, there are a few things you can do.

Cold Water Foot Soak- In a large basin or bowl, fill it with cold water and add some ice, and 1 drop of peppermint essential oil. Soak your feet for 5-10 minutes and then elevate them. The ice bath will help increase circulation in your feet and the peppermint will help soothe the sore muscle in your feet. If you want to increase the benefits even more you can enlist someone to gently massage your feet.

Tip #6 Pregnancy Tea
Pregnancy tea is packed full of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that will help prepare your body for labor. I drank this through my whole pregnancy and always make this for all of my pregnant clients.

Tip #7 Talk to Your Baby
Talking to your baby is a great way to start bonding with you unborn child. If you have younger kids at home, have them start talking to the baby too. This a great way to get the baby used to everyones voice and for each member of the family to bond with the baby. When I was pregnant with my second child, my older son used to talk to my belly everyday. When I had my daughter Lucia she immediately stopped crying when she was held by her brother. It was really a magical moment to witness.


Tip #8 Enjoy Being Pregnant
Don’t stress about your weight, stretch marks, or how big your ankles are getting. Enjoy being pregnant and feeling your baby grow and develop. Trust me you will miss all those little kicks when it is all over.

Tip #9 Laugh Daily
They say that laughter is the best medicine and this is true! In one pilot study done in cancer patients, they enlisted 31 participants to participate in 3 sessions of laughter therapy and the results showed that laughter is effective in reducing stress and depression (Kim, Kim, &Kim,2015). Laugh daily it’s good for your health and for the baby’s health.


I hope some of these tips help! Happy Pregnancy!

Holist Life Coach, and Massage Therapist

Vutyavanich, T. (2014). Ginger for nausea and vomiting in pregnancy: Randomized, double-masked, placebo-controlled trial. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 577-582.

Kim, S., Kim, Y., & Kim, H. (2015). Laughter and Stress Relief in Cancer Patients: A Pilot Study. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 1-6.

All information on this blog is for entertainment purposes only and should not be used to replace medical advice.

Save Those Strawberry Tops!

Quick tip, did you know that the top of strawberries are total edible and packed pull of nutrients? Next time you are cutting the tops off save them in a freezer bag and freeze them. These are a great add on into your smoothie ;).

Happy Friday!


Holistic Life Coaching Services are now available via Skype,FaceTime,Phone, and in Person, to book your appointment head over to the website or email me at primal cotton@gmail.com


Organic White Chocolate Body Body Now Available

I am excited to announce that you can now purchase my Organic White Chocolate Body Body and get it shipped to you! Each month I will be rotating products out so get this while you can, It is a limited product and It is already selling fast!

You can purchase it at my website http://www.primalcotton.com/new-products/


2015-07-22 18.01.18

What the Heck is a Doula?


Finding out you are pregnant is one of the most exciting and often times scary moments for a woman. After the initial excitement of being pregnant wares off, many women are left with a lot of fear, anxiety, and apprehension, of their impending birth. When I was pregnant with my first child, I initially had a lot of fear and anxiety about giving birth. It wasn’t until I started doing research on how I wanted to give birth that I started to feel at ease. I decided that for me, the best choice was to give birth with a midwife and to have a doula. I chose to use a midwife because I liked the idea of a more traditional birthing method. The midwife I chose had been delivering babies for 20+ years.. I also chose to use a doula so I had additional support during my labor. So what is a doula?

A doula is a person who is hired, that’s right, you pay this person, money, to give emotional and physical support during labor. Doula’s are also the advocate for moms during the birthing process. Doula’s get specialized training on labor and delivery so they understand all of the stages of birth and know how to offer support to moms during this process. One of the key aspects that I like to point out to people about doulas is they are paid, meaning they work for you. Why is this a good thing? Because you don’t have to worry about hurting their feelings or feel bad cuss you have asked them to do something. They work for you. Now I have heard people tell me time and time again, well my sister is going to be my doula or I have a friend that is going to be my doula, and while these people may be able to offer you support and they may be great at it, unless they have gone through the training to be a doula or have been taught the necessary skills, they are not doulas. Also you tend to worry more about their well being, like are they tired, did you just hurt their feelings because you snapped at them. They joy of a doula, is they expect these things and don’t take it personally. Doula’s also help to make sure your birthing expectations are being followed. For example you don’t want the mother in law in the room during the delivery, the doula will tactfully remind her of this ;), or you don’t want pain medication and they keep asking you if you want an epidural, the doula will help remind the medical staff of your wishes.

I personally have had three children and with my first child I hired a doula, the second time, I had a friend who was a doula assist in my birth, and my third child, I had just my husband and midwife. With my third child I chose a home birth and my midwife was with me the whole time, so I really didn’t feel like I needed a doula, but had I had a hospital or birth center birth, I would have hired one. Hiring a doula is a very personal decision for each family. I will tell you that, having a doula helped me to feel at ease and supported during my births. I also feel like it helped my husband to feel better because he didn’t have all the pressure on him to offer me support.

If you are on the fence about hiring a doula I would recommend just interviewing a few and seeing what they have to offer. Most doula’s offer post partum care after birth as well and this can be just as valuable as attending the birth. To find a doula you can go to http://www.dona.org.

If you have any questions feel free to let me know.

Don’t forget I offer holistic health life coaching via FaceTime and in person. It’s not to late to start making small health changes!

Paleo Friendly, Dairy Free, Homemade Ice Cream

Dairy Free Chocolate Ice Cream

Dairy Free Chocolate Ice Cream

I had you at ice cream huh…haha. Ok, so I am not a huge ice cream fan,I mean I like it but I don’t love it like most people do, but when I do want some I absolutely hate spending $7 for a pint of almond or coconut dairy free ice-cream. I actually think it’s criminal that they charge as much as they do. Not to mention I don’t always like the added ingredients or sweetener choices that are used. I finally decided to stop wasting my money and started making it at home. It is so easy to make and way cheaper, I don’t know why I didn’t do this sooner! It only takes 5ingredients and an ice cream maker. This recipe is also kid approved!

Home Made Dairy Free Ice-Cream

2 cans of coconut milk- I like to get mine from trader Joes because it’s cheap and doesn’t have additives also you want full fat, this isn’t the time to skimp on fat. The fat and sugar are what give you the creamy texture you so desire.
3/4 cup-1 Cup of honey or maple syrup. You can adjust this for sweetness, but you need at least 3/4 cup

Ice Cream Sat-Whatever your ice cream maker requires- you need enough to cover the ice and make it melt

Bag of ice- It will depend on your ice cream maker as to how much but you need enough to cover your container up to at least the point of where the ice cream sits.

Optional ingredients-
1tsp vanilla extract or other flavors
Chopped up fruit- I did fresh strawberries a few weeks ago and it was amazing!
Cocao powder- The recipe I made tonight was chocolate. The used a raw cacao powder so I could get the extra health benefits of the chocolate. I think of it as a win win 🙂

Your seriously not going to believe how easy this is.

1. In a large bowl, mix coconut milk, honey, and any of your add on ingredients (chocolate, vanilla, fruit, ect.) With all of your ingredients together. If you want to speed up the process, you can refrigerate you coconut milk for at least an hour before you make it.I just put mine in the fridge when I buy it so I have it ready.

2. Place all of your ingredients in the ice cream maker, place ice around the ice cream container, and let it do it’s magic. Coconut ice cream normally takes a fraction of the time regular ice cream does, mine is normally done in an hour.

3. Store leftover ice cream in the freezer. It may be a litter hard, but if you leave it at room temp for a few minutes it softens right up.

I know what some of you might be thinking, I don’t have an ice cream maker. Well here is another option.

With a standing mixer or hand mixer, beat all of your ingredients until the mixture is creamy and frothy. In a pan, lined with parchment paper, pour your mixture. Allow this mixture to freeze. Check it after 30min to see if it has set. It may take up to an hour. Keep in mind this may not be as creamy as an ice cream maker, but still super tasty and way better than spending $7.

Ok there you have it!

Let me know if you try it!


Fruit strips


My sister in -law shared this video with me a few weeks ago and I finally got around to making it. I made this with mango instead of strawberry and it came out great! Two out of the three kids liked it. My youngest didn’t care for it but she only likes like 5 flavors and mango is not one of them. The video has super easy instructions. Seriously anyone can make these and they are way better than the store bought ones that are full of chemicals, sugar, and preservatives.
